Ecological and Forestry Basics of Forests of Male Polissya


A. D. Kuzyk


The monograph describes the issues of pyrological processes in the phytocenoses of Male Polissya and their fire danger. Studies of the fire hazardous properties of the most common forest combustible materials have established their dependence on the type and humidity formed under the influence of microclimatic conditions. Forest fire risk depends on edaphotopes, type and spatial structure, terrestrial plants and litter. Dependence of fire danger on climatic indicators of Vorobyov was obtained.

The methods of detection of fire danger in weather conditions, estimation of natural fire danger of plantations and optimization of distribution of Male Polissya into service areas of fire and rescue units are offered.

Cover for Ecological and Forestry Basics of Forests of Male Polissya
April 22, 2019

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)