Problems and Prospects of Labor Protection Development: Proceedings of the X All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference of Cadets, Students, Graduate Students and Adjuncts


Organizing Committee


The collection is formed on the basis of proceedings of the X All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of cadets, students, graduate students and associate professors "Problems and Perspectives of Labor Protection Development".
The collection contains materials from the following thematic sections:
- Problems and prospects of management and supervision of labor protection and industrial safety
- Prevention of occupational injuries
- Technologies of control and protection against harmful and dangerous production and environmental factors
- Ensuring occupational safety and health in the units of law enforcement and special structures
- The latest information technology as a tool to increase the level of industrial safety
- Culture and psychology of work
- Humanitarian aspects of training a modern specialist

Cover for Problems and Prospects of Labor Protection Development: Proceedings of the X All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference of Cadets, Students, Graduate Students and Adjuncts
April 29, 2020